Italian Development Center
for Cultural and Creative enterprises
CESVIC promote the development and growth
of cultural and creative enterprises through research,
study activities, data processing, exchange of practices
and the formation of the People
CESVIC sensitize private and public operators as well as those regarding
the importance that culture and creativity for the purposes of economic
and social development of the territories, emphasizing the transversal
action with economy, tourism, and social integration.
CESVIC contribute to strengthening the quality and competitiveness of research and training activities also through specific types of training programs including organizing conferences, seminars, training sessions, meetings and workshops in the various types
CESVIC carry out research, publications, meetings and exchange on strategic issues of the development of cultural production, including the establishment of specific working groups and networks and activating national and international partnerships
CESVIC develop the design capacity of the cultural and creative sector, to the new methodologies and processes of research and learning andencouraging tinnovative experiences with the use of new technologies
CESVIC promote opportunities for interaction and cooperation and provide services
for them useful to their business by developing a flexible network of professionalism,
favoring experiences of networking and coworking;
CESVIC promote professional qualifications for skills and areas of activity for purposes related to the recognition the creative professions not organized in associations and boards
contact : info@cesvic.com